The Enigma of Rising Obesity Rates

In recent decades, the United States has witnessed a troubling surge in obesity rates, a phenomenon that has perplexed health professionals and researchers alike. According to studies, there has been a staggering 30% increase in obesity over the past 20 years, a statistic that demands urgent attention and rigorous inquiry. What makes this trend even… Continue reading The Enigma of Rising Obesity Rates

Unseen Forces: Intermediate Frequency Magnetic Fields and Their Impact on Neurology and Memory

In our rapidly evolving technological landscape, where invisible forces constantly interact with our bodies, one topic has piqued the interest and concern of many: intermediate frequency magnetic fields (IFMFs). While we navigate the conveniences of modern technology, it’s crucial to examine the potential effects of IFMFs on our neurological health and memory. This inquiry becomes… Continue reading Unseen Forces: Intermediate Frequency Magnetic Fields and Their Impact on Neurology and Memory

Uncovering the Enigma of Unnatural Fires: A Skeptical Exploration of Plasma-Based Fires and Microwave Energy Bursts

In the shadowy realm of unnatural fires, where official narratives often fall short of satisfying scrutiny, two enigmatic phenomena beckon our skepticism and curiosity: plasma-based fires and microwave energy bursts. Let us delve into these anomalies with a deeply suspicious eye, questioning the traditional story and seeking alternative explanations for their causes and mechanisms.  … Continue reading Uncovering the Enigma of Unnatural Fires: A Skeptical Exploration of Plasma-Based Fires and Microwave Energy Bursts

Breaking News: Global Warming Linked to Surge in Ice Cream Sales and Unicorn Sightings

Hello, fabulous readers! Today, we’re diving into the thrilling world of climate change, where the ice caps are melting, the seas are rising, and apparently, heart attacks are on the rise in the United States. But fear not, dear friends, for we’re about to unravel the mysteries of this hot mess with a scoop of… Continue reading Breaking News: Global Warming Linked to Surge in Ice Cream Sales and Unicorn Sightings

The Enigmatic Memory of Water: The Intriguing Microscopic Imprints

In the realm of scientific exploration, few topics stir the imagination as profoundly as the studies that suggest water might possess memory. Beyond its life-sustaining properties and essential role in countless natural processes, water seems to harbor a secret: the ability to remember and imprint information within its very molecules. This idea, while highly debated,… Continue reading The Enigmatic Memory of Water: The Intriguing Microscopic Imprints

Universe 25: A Cautionary Tale of Societal Collapse and the Human Connection

In the early 1960s, the world witnessed a groundbreaking and controversial experiment that sought to understand the dynamics of a closed ecosystem and the potential consequences of overpopulation. Conducted by ethologist John B. Calhoun, the Universe 25 Mouse Colony Experiment aimed to shed light on the effects of urban overpopulation on social behavior and the… Continue reading Universe 25: A Cautionary Tale of Societal Collapse and the Human Connection

Dark Sugar: Not Such a Sweet Story

Today I would like to touch on a true insidious epidemic that grossly engulfs our country and the world as a whole. Sugar. That’s right, I know it may sound silly, but let’s discuss the true nature and history of this silent killer.   Money and power have long been intertwined, shaping the course of… Continue reading Dark Sugar: Not Such a Sweet Story

Is It Safe To Call It War Yet?

As a follow-up to last week’s post about the derailment emergencies, I am updating that situation and looking at the many other issues that plague our country that are given little to no media coverage. East Palestine, Ohio’s toxic train derailment on February 3, 2023, continues to bring concern and display incredible audacity.    Reports… Continue reading Is It Safe To Call It War Yet?

Derailing Disaster: The Ohio Train Accident and Its Aftermath

What’s up with all the train derailments? According to my research, there have been a dozen train derailment accidents so far in 2023. We are two and a half months in and have major accidents some creating a major environmental crisis by way of chemical spills. The Ohio derailment is the most recent in a… Continue reading Derailing Disaster: The Ohio Train Accident and Its Aftermath

Monsters Inside Us

Here we are facing yet another insidious and multi-faceted threat to our health and freedoms. Every time I sit to write a post about the government and fascist control that we live under it makes me think of the metaphor in The Matrix trilogy that explains it clearly, we are batteries to “them”. They want… Continue reading Monsters Inside Us