Derailing Disaster: The Ohio Train Accident and Its Aftermath

What’s up with all the train derailments? According to my research, there have been a dozen train derailment accidents so far in 2023. We are two and a half months in and have major accidents some creating a major environmental crisis by way of chemical spills. The Ohio derailment is the most recent in a… Continue reading Derailing Disaster: The Ohio Train Accident and Its Aftermath

Rife Machine

There are many naysayers against the Rife Machine as it has been excised from the mainstream medical establishment which, as we already know, is headed by the Rockefellers. Perhaps I oversimplify things in my worldview, but if anyone with intentions like Rockefeller deliberately attacks or dismisses something, I am very curious as to why. As… Continue reading Rife Machine

Monsters Inside Us

Here we are facing yet another insidious and multi-faceted threat to our health and freedoms. Every time I sit to write a post about the government and fascist control that we live under it makes me think of the metaphor in The Matrix trilogy that explains it clearly, we are batteries to “them”. They want… Continue reading Monsters Inside Us

“Enough is Enough!”

  Food is linked to everything our bodies do. Its effects are seen and felt daily and over time, yet the overwhelming majority of Americans do not understand the basics of how their bodies work and even less about the food and nourishment that it requires to thrive or even function at a healthy level. … Continue reading “Enough is Enough!”

May-day, May-day!

For our radio, communication, and sea life history buffs out there, here is a quick and obscure history lesson –  let’s talk radio knowledge. Who has seen a Radio Room Clock? Also known in the U.S. as a Chelsea Clock. These have a very interesting and somewhat sad history dating back to the sinking of… Continue reading May-day, May-day!

The Ludlow Massacre

circa 1930: American philanthropist, John Davison Rockefeller (1839 - 1937).

This may be a lesser-known outrage perpetrated by John D. Rockefeller. I just stumbled upon this story and think it is both interesting and sad. It provides another demonstration of Rockefeller’s dark and ruthless agenda to “give no quarter” to anyone opposing his plans.   Coal mines became wildly profitable as the westward expansion of… Continue reading The Ludlow Massacre

Premier Robber Barren Part 2

circa 1930: American philanthropist, John Davison Rockefeller (1839 - 1937).

In 1913 Rockefeller founded the American Cancer Society. Another philanthropic quest was to hide continued control and to profit on the backs and lives of the American population. Millions of dollars flow through this organization to fund science and hide any findings that do not agree with the agenda. Many successful alternative treatments fell into… Continue reading Premier Robber Barren Part 2

The Premier Robber Baron

circa 1930: American philanthropist, John Davison Rockefeller (1839 - 1937).

We are all familiar with the stories of the infamous billionaire Rockefeller family, so let’s begin to chronicle the life of the most famous John D Rockefeller, born to a snake oil salesman, John D put the family on the map by monopolizing the oil industry into Standard Oil and becoming the country’s first billionaire.… Continue reading The Premier Robber Baron

Sickcare Industry and Alternatives that Work

The subject of this post is near and dear to my heart for many reasons. This day (November 4th) marks a beautiful and bittersweet time that a few close people share. It is a very special friend’s birthday, who sadly, is no longer here for us to celebrate him together. It is also about traditional… Continue reading Sickcare Industry and Alternatives that Work

Bugs! It’s What’s for Dinner.

 According to recent chatter in popular global markets and entertainment venues, eating bugs, or Entomophagy will save humanity and the planet. But will it? In the western world, we generally have socially biased opinions of bugs overall,  but now the idea of bugs as a food source is being widely promoted. That seems quite a… Continue reading Bugs! It’s What’s for Dinner.