Microgreens: Tiny Plants with Big Health Benefits

Have you ever heard of microgreens? These tiny, vibrant greens are taking the health world by storm, and for good reason! Microgreens are not only incredibly nutritious but also super easy to grow at home. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting to explore healthier living, microgreens offer a fantastic way to boost your… Continue reading Microgreens: Tiny Plants with Big Health Benefits

The Science of Human Performance: Legends

I have found two men that I deeply admire and respect in the world of science and health/wellness. These are two scientists who speak on the same quest to increased human performance. I have always enjoyed this journey, in my adult life and plan to continue creating my perfect routines and habits that add efficiency… Continue reading The Science of Human Performance: Legends

Sickcare Industry and Alternatives that Work

The subject of this post is near and dear to my heart for many reasons. This day (November 4th) marks a beautiful and bittersweet time that a few close people share. It is a very special friend’s birthday, who sadly, is no longer here for us to celebrate him together. It is also about traditional… Continue reading Sickcare Industry and Alternatives that Work

Bugs! It’s What’s for Dinner.

 According to recent chatter in popular global markets and entertainment venues, eating bugs, or Entomophagy will save humanity and the planet. But will it? In the western world, we generally have socially biased opinions of bugs overall,  but now the idea of bugs as a food source is being widely promoted. That seems quite a… Continue reading Bugs! It’s What’s for Dinner.