Be Ready, Be Resilient: Emergency Basics

In uncertain times, having a well-thought-out bugout plan can mean the difference between chaos and calm during emergencies. Whether you’re facing natural disasters, societal disruptions, or grid-down situations, being prepared is key to ensuring your safety and that of your loved ones. In this guide, we’ll outline the essential steps and items needed for a… Continue reading Be Ready, Be Resilient: Emergency Basics

Samhain: When the Veil Thins and Magic Begins

The month of October brings with it a swirl of leaves, a hint of chill in the air, and a sense of the mystical that seems to awaken our primal instincts. Halloween, Samhain, and the Day of the Dead are three cultural celebrations that dance on the edge of the unseen, connecting us with our… Continue reading Samhain: When the Veil Thins and Magic Begins

Ghosts of the Past: Halloween’s Historical Echoes

Jack O' Lantern on leaves in the woods

The Younger Dryas event, a mysterious climatic anomaly that occurred approximately 12,900 years ago, holds many geological secrets. As scientists unearth the layers of evidence surrounding this event, it sparks intriguing questions about the possibility of a deep-seated genetic memory within human cultures, manifesting in the celebrations of holidays like Halloween, Samhain, and the Day… Continue reading Ghosts of the Past: Halloween’s Historical Echoes

Boy Genius, Max Loughin (Laughlin)

Who is Max Loughin and where is he?

Stone Age axe dating back 1.3 million years unearthed in Morocco

Researchers find North Africa’s oldest Stone Age hand-axe manufacturing site, dating back 1.3 million years. Archaeologists in Morocco have announced the discovery of North Africa’s oldest Stone Age hand-axe manufacturing site, dating back 1.3 million years, an international team reported on Wednesday. The find pushes back by hundreds of thousands of years the start date… Continue reading Stone Age axe dating back 1.3 million years unearthed in Morocco