Lock Jaw Hi-Jinks

As vaccines are an overall hot topic, I’ve recently been introduced to Dr. Carrie Madej and her interviews about tetanus shots. Dr. Madej is a Doctor of Osteopathy, which makes her more “holistically” minded (considering the entire being), as opposed to a regular M.D. whose practice is solely based on Rockefeller’s medical control paradigm. Dr.… Continue reading Lock Jaw Hi-Jinks

How to Fake a Pandemic

PCR testing is a process developed in 1983 by biochemist, Dr. Kary Mullis, to streamline, so to speak, a complex process using large amounts of DNA to make copies of sections of DNA called “molecular photocopying”. This process of testing allows for the use of a small section of DNA to diagnose infectious diseases, as… Continue reading How to Fake a Pandemic