Weathering the Truth in Synthetic Skies

Over the last few weeks, strange and unsettling weather phenomena have sparked concern and curiosity across the United States. In Florida, residents have reported a mysterious fog blanketing the region, accompanied by a burning chemical smell and reports of respiratory and gastrointestinal illnesses. Meanwhile, in Pennsylvania, a bizarre snow event has people claiming the snow… Continue reading Weathering the Truth in Synthetic Skies

The Great COVID Cover-Up: Unmasking the Pandemic Conspiracy

The COVID-19 pandemic has been the epicenter of unprecedented global upheaval. However, the recent revelation of over 11,000 retracted articles concerning the science behind COVID-19 has cast a long shadow over the official narrative. For those of us who are well-educated, intelligent, and inherently skeptical of government motives, this development lays bare the possibility that… Continue reading The Great COVID Cover-Up: Unmasking the Pandemic Conspiracy

Did FDA really approve the Pfizer COVID vaccine? Wait. What?

“Here in America, we’re used to living life as usual and believing that coercion isn’t going to come to our front doors. Despite the lockdowns and the mask mandates and the vast financial destruction of the past year, many people still think things are ‘all right.’ “That’s not true.”

Understanding Our Situation