Flouride Report

Okay, here we go again. Due to a recent lawsuit, the US government was forced to release more hidden reports and information.   Flouride…   The controversy surrounding fluoride and its potential health effects has reached a new level of intensity. A recent lawsuit has compelled the National Toxicology Program (NTP) to release its draft… Continue reading Flouride Report

The Cost of Liberty That We’ve Forgotten

Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence? Five signers were captured by the British as traitors, and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Two lost their sons in the revolutionary army, another had two sons captured. Nine of the 56 fought… Continue reading The Cost of Liberty That We’ve Forgotten

Dark Sugar: Not Such a Sweet Story

Today I would like to touch on a true insidious epidemic that grossly engulfs our country and the world as a whole. Sugar. That’s right, I know it may sound silly, but let’s discuss the true nature and history of this silent killer.   Money and power have long been intertwined, shaping the course of… Continue reading Dark Sugar: Not Such a Sweet Story

Literary Espionage

Settle in, folks, because this week we’re taking a deep dive into the life of yet another incredibly talented individual whose legacy is shrouded in mystery and intrigue. From conspiracy theories to government meddling, the story of this famous figure is sure to leave you with more questions than answers. So buckle up and prepare… Continue reading Literary Espionage

Grant. Da Vinci.

One of my most recent rabbit holes has been about world-renowned polymath Robert Edward Grant. I stumbled across an interview with Grant and have been stuck on his works, teachings, and fascinating discoveries and ideas. First, I find him fascinating because he is so multifaceted and well-learned. Polymath, by definition, is a student of an… Continue reading Grant. Da Vinci.

Who Was Fred Hampton?

Fred Hampton was a young, charismatic leader of the Black Panther Party in the late 1960s. His life and legacy are a testament to the power of activism and the struggle for justice in America.   Born in 1948 in Illinois, Fred Hampton grew up in a working-class family and became involved in civil rights… Continue reading Who Was Fred Hampton?

A Call To Action…

With the overwhelming unrest and brazen political moves we see happening around the world, perhaps some of you are wondering how we got here. How are we living in a world where audacity is at an all-time high and those “in power” who are supposed to be servants to and representatives of the citizens in… Continue reading A Call To Action…

Rife Machine

There are many naysayers against the Rife Machine as it has been excised from the mainstream medical establishment which, as we already know, is headed by the Rockefellers. Perhaps I oversimplify things in my worldview, but if anyone with intentions like Rockefeller deliberately attacks or dismisses something, I am very curious as to why. As… Continue reading Rife Machine

Monsters Inside Us

Here we are facing yet another insidious and multi-faceted threat to our health and freedoms. Every time I sit to write a post about the government and fascist control that we live under it makes me think of the metaphor in The Matrix trilogy that explains it clearly, we are batteries to “them”. They want… Continue reading Monsters Inside Us

“Enough is Enough!”

  Food is linked to everything our bodies do. Its effects are seen and felt daily and over time, yet the overwhelming majority of Americans do not understand the basics of how their bodies work and even less about the food and nourishment that it requires to thrive or even function at a healthy level. … Continue reading “Enough is Enough!”