Who is Max Loughin and where is he?
Who is Max Loughin and where is he?
This may be a lesser-known outrage perpetrated by John D. Rockefeller. I just stumbled upon this story and think it is both interesting and sad. It provides another demonstration of Rockefeller’s dark and ruthless agenda to “give no quarter” to anyone opposing his plans. Coal mines became wildly profitable as the westward expansion of… Continue reading The Ludlow Massacre
In 1913 Rockefeller founded the American Cancer Society. Another philanthropic quest was to hide continued control and to profit on the backs and lives of the American population. Millions of dollars flow through this organization to fund science and hide any findings that do not agree with the agenda. Many successful alternative treatments fell into… Continue reading Premier Robber Barren Part 2
We are all familiar with the stories of the infamous billionaire Rockefeller family, so let’s begin to chronicle the life of the most famous John D Rockefeller, born to a snake oil salesman, John D put the family on the map by monopolizing the oil industry into Standard Oil and becoming the country’s first billionaire.… Continue reading The Premier Robber Baron
Francis “Frank” Shelden was born in 1926 into a wealthy family with significant business and political ties in Michigan. Shelden’s family history is entwined with the Duffields, Algers, and Buhls, and additionally with Presidents, Governors, and Merchant Princes. Frank Shelden added to his family’s wealth through oil and real estate. He graduated from Yale in… Continue reading Another Epstein Island
The subject of this post is near and dear to my heart for many reasons. This day (November 4th) marks a beautiful and bittersweet time that a few close people share. It is a very special friend’s birthday, who sadly, is no longer here for us to celebrate him together. It is also about traditional… Continue reading Sickcare Industry and Alternatives that Work
According to recent chatter in popular global markets and entertainment venues, eating bugs, or Entomophagy will save humanity and the planet. But will it? In the western world, we generally have socially biased opinions of bugs overall, but now the idea of bugs as a food source is being widely promoted. That seems quite a… Continue reading Bugs! It’s What’s for Dinner.
Let’s talk about government control. Which kind this time, you might ask, as this is such a vast topic. In this particular post, I am going to address a Senate Bill that was scheduled for a vote on November 3, 2022, called S4090 Dietary Supplements and Herbal Medicine. This bill suggests giving the wonderful and… Continue reading Our Rights to Health Choice Under Attack By S4090