Energy, frequency…

Vibrations are all around us. They make up the entire Universe from every atom and subatomic particle to the largest galaxy we have yet to discover. We create vibrations with our vocal cords and through music, written words, and symbols and with each heartbeat. It’s incredible and almost overwhelming how both minute and gigantic this… Continue reading Energy, frequency…

Monsters Inside Us

Here we are facing yet another insidious and multi-faceted threat to our health and freedoms. Every time I sit to write a post about the government and fascist control that we live under it makes me think of the metaphor in The Matrix trilogy that explains it clearly, we are batteries to “them”. They want… Continue reading Monsters Inside Us

“Enough is Enough!”

  Food is linked to everything our bodies do. Its effects are seen and felt daily and over time, yet the overwhelming majority of Americans do not understand the basics of how their bodies work and even less about the food and nourishment that it requires to thrive or even function at a healthy level. … Continue reading “Enough is Enough!”

Now Do You Believe?

In this post, I will discuss the famous “Secret Society Speech” that JFK delivered and many conjectures that perhaps this was an action that led to his assassination. Listening to his words is a clear call to action in which he was very eloquent yet fairly direct in calling out the “forces” among us that… Continue reading Now Do You Believe?

Back, and to the Left…

With the continued upsets from Elon Musk and his “Twitter dumps” I thought I would touch on an infamous American event. A generational trauma that still carries wounds and questions, that’s right, the assassination of JFK. This has been a major topic of interest since November 22, 1963, with many mixed emotions and, of course,… Continue reading Back, and to the Left…

Christmas, War, and the Human Spirit.

In the spirit of Christmas and the holiday season, I decided to write a piece in honor of one of my Dad’s favorite Christmas stories. The Christmas truce of World War I is a wonderful story of humanity at its finest. 1914, deep into the horrors of WWI, men were dying daily in the trenches… Continue reading Christmas, War, and the Human Spirit.

May-day, May-day!

For our radio, communication, and sea life history buffs out there, here is a quick and obscure history lesson –  let’s talk radio knowledge. Who has seen a Radio Room Clock? Also known in the U.S. as a Chelsea Clock. These have a very interesting and somewhat sad history dating back to the sinking of… Continue reading May-day, May-day!

Boy Genius, Max Loughin (Laughlin)

Who is Max Loughin and where is he?

The Ludlow Massacre

circa 1930: American philanthropist, John Davison Rockefeller (1839 - 1937).

This may be a lesser-known outrage perpetrated by John D. Rockefeller. I just stumbled upon this story and think it is both interesting and sad. It provides another demonstration of Rockefeller’s dark and ruthless agenda to “give no quarter” to anyone opposing his plans.   Coal mines became wildly profitable as the westward expansion of… Continue reading The Ludlow Massacre

Premier Robber Barren Part 2

circa 1930: American philanthropist, John Davison Rockefeller (1839 - 1937).

In 1913 Rockefeller founded the American Cancer Society. Another philanthropic quest was to hide continued control and to profit on the backs and lives of the American population. Millions of dollars flow through this organization to fund science and hide any findings that do not agree with the agenda. Many successful alternative treatments fell into… Continue reading Premier Robber Barren Part 2