Ultra Control: Politics, Media, and Madness

Let’s revisit a previous blog topic and flesh it out.

In the shadowy world of government experimentation, MK-Ultra stands as one of the most notorious programs in U.S. history. Officially launched in the 1950s by the CIA, the goal was simple but sinister: control the human mind. Using various techniques, from drugs like LSD to psychological torture, MK-Ultra sought to turn people into tools for covert operations.

What if this didn’t just end with human experimentation? What if it evolved into something far more extensive? What if it created not only controlled individuals but also a carefully crafted political landscape, complete with “bred politicians” ready to serve a larger agenda?

The Media’s Role in MK-Ultra: Malcolm X’s Critique Revisited

It’s impossible to discuss control without talking about the media, and this brings us to Malcolm X. His famous critique of the American media system pointed out that it holds immense power: “They have the power to make the innocent guilty and the guilty innocent.” What Malcolm X was pointing to was the ability of the media to shape perceptions, to control narratives in ways that could influence millions, even billions, without them realizing it.

This manipulation isn’t just about reporting the news—it’s about carefully framing events, omitting critical facts, and repeating selective information until it becomes “truth” in the public mind. In a program like MK-Ultra, the media’s role becomes crucial. How better to control a population than by controlling the narrative they receive through news channels, newspapers, and social media?

Imagine a world where the experiments of MK-Ultra never truly ended but instead transformed into a broader manipulation of the masses. The media would be the perfect tool to achieve this. It could create fear or paranoia and stoke hatred, division, and confusion, making it easy to distract the public from the truth and keep them under control.

Breeding Politicians: Puppets for a Larger Agenda?

MK-Ultra’s objectives weren’t just limited to mind control for the sake of intelligence operations. If the true goal was the domination of a political system, wouldn’t it make sense to extend that control to the people who hold power? This could take the form of breeding politicians—grooming individuals from a young age to adhere to specific ideologies and goals, thus becoming puppets for larger interests. These bred politicians could be expertly marketed to the public through media channels, presented as the “saviors” or “heroes” that the populace needs, while in reality, they are fulfilling the same agenda that those in power have always desired.

“Trump Derangement Syndrome”: A Symptom of Media Control?

Enter Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). While this term may have started as a way to describe an extreme, irrational hatred of former President Donald Trump, it also exposes something more profound—how media narratives can drive mass hysteria and polarization. Whether people are vehemently for or against Trump, the media has played a significant role in crafting that fervor.

The obsession with Trump, whether from supporters or detractors, has created a perfect smokescreen. Discussions about policy, corruption, and deeper governmental issues have been buried beneath a sea of emotional reactions to everything Trump says or does. Media outlets have stoked the flames of TDS, making it easier for deeper, more insidious operations to fly under the radar.

When people are divided to the extreme, it becomes much easier to manipulate them. Malcolm X’s warning about the media’s power is especially relevant here. In the case of TDS, the media has successfully controlled how vast segments of the population think and feel about one man, diverting attention from other important issues.

Connecting the Dots: The Bigger Picture

So how do these elements—MK Ultra, media manipulation, breeding politicians, and Trump Derangement Syndrome—fit together? When viewed as pieces of a larger puzzle, a chilling picture emerges. Imagine a scenario where the media is complicit in driving public opinion and political agendas crafted behind closed doors. MK-Ultra, far from being a relic of the past, might have laid the groundwork for a new form of control—one where mind manipulation extends to mass media and politics. Not to mention the overwhelmingly obvious, ownership of said media outlets (and virtually all major corporations), but we can address that rabbit hole in another post.

Politicians are bred or carefully chosen to fit into a system that benefits powerful entities, while the media distracts the public with emotionally charged, polarizing figures like Donald J. Trump. By fueling hatred or extreme devotion, those in control prevent the public from digging deeper. Whether it’s constant Trump coverage or the willful omission of certain facts, the media can ensure that the true story is concealed.

Conclusion: The Modern-Day Program?

Malcolm X was ahead of his time when he recognized the media’s ability to control narratives. Today, it’s clear that this power is still at play, possibly extending far beyond anything we could have imagined. Could we be living in a new version of the MK-Ultra program, where mind control is enacted not through drugs but through headlines and talking points? As “Trump Derangement Syndrome” shows, emotions are a powerful tool for manipulation, and the media has perfected its use. The real question remains: Who is truly pulling the strings?

The similarities in the methods of mind control, media manipulation, and the development of political puppets are difficult to overlook. If the foundation for this level of control was established decades ago, as suggested by MK-Ultra, we are likely living in a much more controlled world than we realize.

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